Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Timeline for the International Bazaar on May 10th, 2019

7:30: *Girls arrive at school dressed in their costume. Parents may
             park in the Lower School lot and help the girls take their food up  
             to the KVB gym. Place food on assigned table; tables will have   
             numbered signs on them.
*Girls go to classroom, get boxes with crafts and take them to KVB.
*Set up tables with tablecloth(s), crafts, and food.  Girls find Ms.
              Brooks or Mrs. Emala to get their country sign/price list.  Please 
              unplug all appliances before leaving the gym for the       
*Change and one moneybox will be provided for each table during  
  the Bazaar.  Throughout the Bazaar, a teacher will collect cash 
  and provide more change if needed.  You do not need to provide 
  your own bills and coins for the moneybox.
8:30:    Performance in Centennial Hall (Please unplug all appliances 
              when we leave the gym.)
  **Tables should be set up and ready to go!

9:00:    Performance ends and the Bazaar opens in KVB to the entire 
              school community immediately following the performance! 
              **One adult should stay with each 4th grade girl throughout the
               morning. Girls are allowed to visit their classmates’ booths at
               less crowded times.

12:00   Bazaar ends – after clean up, girls who planned to do so may
               leave with family members (permission slip was sent home)
               **All tablecloths and any leftover food items should go
    home with you.  Girls may take extra crafts to the center tables 
    in KVB.

**Parents who have volunteered to help count money, please meet in the 4th grade classrooms after the Bazaar.  It should take us about 20 minutes to separate and organize the bills and coins. 

Thank you!!!!