Thursday, March 17, 2016

French Skits

In French this week the girls have been working on how to describe how they are feeling.  Watch as they act out all the different ailments they can imagine.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Happening in First Grade

The First Grade has been learning about and celebrating holidays, famous people, and milestones. The girls enjoyed making cards for Meals on Wheels clients, Valentines for each other, reading for the Read-A-Thon, and keeping track of the days we have been in school.  They proudly paraded around the Lower School showing off their creative and unique shirts! Here are some pictures of the girls in action!

Making cards for Meals on Wheels clients 

Celebrating Winter birthdays

Chinese New Year parade! 

Happy New Year!

Valentine's Day card exchange

Happy 100th Day!

Parading around the Lower School!