Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Busy in Tech

First grade has been busy in tech this month!  The girls have learned a variety of new iPad skills and apps.  During the first week of school, the girls learned iPad basics ( how to close an app, changing the home and lock screen image) and acceptable use (how to hold and travel with the iPad, rules of use, etc.).  Next, the girls learned what an autobiography is the My Story app to create one about themselves.  While the girls were working in My Story, Google Drive was set up on each iPad.  This year, students will be able to save work to Google Drive.  Information on accessing your daughter's Drive will be coming home in the future so that you can view the work from home!  Finally, the girls have started working in the Creation Station centers using Intooba (visit this link to learn more!).  

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Learning about Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Ramadam

The past two weeks, the girls have been busy learning about celebrations. They have enjoyed apples and honey for a sweet New Year, read a story about the traditions of Yom Kippur, and were informed during a wonderful presentation about Ramadam. We have also introduced the Scientific Method through an exciting apple experiment.  In math class, we graphed and tallied our favorite types of apples. Happy Fall to all!

Tasting apples. Yum yum!

Learning about Ramadam!

Observing a variety of liquids on sliced apples. Ask your daughter which one kept the apple from turning brown!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Art: Connections

All the girls started the year with an exploration of ten materials and then connected their work and their ideas to their grade level theme.  First grade's theme is "Connections". You can see the long list of connections they made between their experiments and the theme, and why it is such a relevant theme for this grade level. Our future units will explore a range of materials, genres, artists, and concepts related to their theme.  The overarching reflection question for the year is: How do our creative choices reflect who we are as individuals and connect us to others? 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fantastic First Graders!

The girls are off to a wonderful start in First Grade. Everyone is adjusting to new routines and making new friends. Playing on the DNA playground and eating in the cafeteria have been a big hit! We are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow night and giving you a glimpse into our classrooms. We can't wait for the fun year we have ahead! Here are some pictures of the girls enjoying their time at school.

Ms. Lacy's class

Mrs. Bradley's class

We love First Grade!