Octavia in Mrs. Bradley's classroom.
Olivia in Ms. Lacy's classroom.
We have also been studying pumpkins. Did you know pumpkins start as flowers? The girls have had a chance to see the inside of a pumpkin as well as taste delicious pumpkin seeds. We predicted how many seeds we thought our classroom pumpkin would have and we were shocked that each pumpkin had over 600 seeds! The girls practiced counting and grouping by fives in order to find this large number. Wow! In math we measured the girth using string as well as the height of the pumpkin using connecting cubes. Check out the pumpkin booklet your daughter brought home for all her hard work during this unit. Here are the girls in action!
A big thank you to all the parents that made our Halloween party so special! The girls enjoyed the delicious snacks and making the spooky masks. We hope everyone had a happy and safe Halloween!